Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pennsylvania Turnpike = Biggest ripoff ever
For starters, the greedy bastards (I'm looking at you, slick Eddie Rendell) in Harrisburg decided that it was fair to make a one way trip from Philly to Pittsburgh cost TWENTY F*CKING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I worked it out...that is almost 8 cents/mile. By comparison, the NJ Turnpike charges just under 5 cents a mile. Oh yeah, and they actually have made great improvements on that road, in contrast to the PA Turnpike that hasn't been repaved since 1923.
And the work zones..........good god almighty the work zones. I drove through approximately 27 work zones between here and Pittsburgh. For about 24 of them, the only "work" i saw being done was men in orange coats putting down more cones. You want to solve the national deficit in one fell swoop? Ban the manufacturing of orange cones, and cease and desist all road work projects that primarily involve setting down and picking up orange cones on a seemingly random basis. There is a mountain on the eastbound Turnpike just past Breezewood that is three lanes to accomodate large trucks. So naturally, the jerks decide to squeeze it to one lane so we all get to follow some truck for five miles up a hill going about 15 mph. Then when I get to the top, here is what I see: THREE MEN IN A TRUCK PICKING UP ORANGE CONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get with the 21st century Pennsylvania....please
Really? Are you fu*king kidding me? I sit here for 60 seconds of my precious life, preparing myself to leave a professional and well-thought out voicemail on your phone, and your MAILBOX IS FULL?! This is truly one phenomenon that I have never understood. It amazes me that there are some morons out there that will let so many old messages collect on their phone that they actually run out of memory.
What in the hell do you need those old voicemails for anyway? I am sure somewhere in this person's mailbox, there is a voicemail of their Aunt Gail telling them to check out the latest LOL Cats photos. Call me crazy...when I listen to a voicemail, I delete it immediately. Hell, sometimes I just delete the voicemail and call the person directly. I have let some voicemails pile up in the past....but i have never come CLOSE to filling up my mailbox. So hey jerkoff....what's the point of having a cell phone if no one can leave a message? EMPTY YOUR MAILBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Classless Presidency...
During the election cycle, millions upon millions of Americans listened obediently as The Great Leader promised that he would bring an overwhelming wave of bipartisan change. He was going to wash away the bitter infighting between the right and left, and encourage everyone to work together. Just like many other "promises" that Obama made to the herd of naive sheep that is the American electorate, he has naturally broken this one as well.
When the Obama administration decided to invite the overrated comedian Wanda Sykes to do a gig at the White House, you wonder what in the hell they were thinking. What do you expect when you bring someone in that is a bitter feminist and militantly gay....anything less than hateful rhetoric? Sykes proceeded to claim that Rush Limbaugh was the 20th 9/11 hijacker, but was so hopped up on Oxycontin that he didn't remember. Oh, and she also said that she hoped that Limbaugh would "die of kidney failure". This is not at the Apollo Theater...this is at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. To make it worse, our president showed how much class and dignity he had as he proceeded to laugh hysterically at Sykes' disgusting joke.
I could barely keep my bagel down this morning as I read the numerous media articles about how Obama just "killed them" with laughter!!! Of course, there was no mention of the kidney failure...the useful idiots in the mainstream media do their best to insulate their idol from damage. I like how the president also decided to joke about the botched photo-op for Air Force One that caused thousands to flee their Manhattan offices in panic as they flashed back to 9/11. Never in a million years could I ever imagine that one man could be so openly and outwardly arrogant. But when the brainless American voters prop him up as some kind of black Christ figure, I guess the Texas-sized ego goes along with the package.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
This one is dedicated to......
And let's not forget the geniuses that think their parking lights are a great replacement for actual headlights a half an hour after the sun sets. If I was a cop, I would just go around pulling people over and punching them in the face for being such morons...
Swine Flu -- Big $#%#!$# Deal!
35,000 people in the United States die of influenza every year. The so-called "experts" have even said that this strain of influenza is a relatively minor strain that is less virulent than our garden variety flu. Today, Mexico is returning to life as normal as the outbreak down there seems to have eased. Yet if you turn on the news, you are almost waiting for Dustin Hoffman to show up on screen with the dead carrier monkey from Outbreak.
If you are panicking about Swine Flu, for the love of God, get a hold of yourself. Since the mainstream media's ratings are going down the toilet faster than yesterday's lunch, they will do anything they can to foster a panic that will lead to more scared viewers. If you wake up tomorrow with a stuffy nose, don't run to the ER like a tool. Take some Vitamin C and toughen the f**k up.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Cougar? Wow.....

For starters, the show airs in the highly sought after 10-11 time slot on TV Land.....yes, TV Land. It is also hosted by Vivica A. Fox....quite frankly, the only thing I remember her from was Independence Day. That was what, 13 years ago? Watching this show is almost awkward...even the male contestants seem like a cast of rejects from the show's older cousin on ABC. One thing I will admit, however, is that the cougar is legitimately hot. Although if I recall from the first episode (no comment), she has like four kids. I think it kind of takes away the allure of trapping a cougar, when as a 22-year old man you are competing to marry a woman with FOUR CHILDREN. I am pretty sure the novelty of having sex with someone twice your age would wear off as soon as you realize you are a full-time dad of four kids that are not your own at 22...
That being said, I have to give The Cougar the thumbs down, although I highly recommend watching it for 10-15 minutes just to enjoy trainwreck.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Good bye, and good riddance Arlen!!!

Today, an event occurred that I had eagerly been anticipating for quite some time now....Arlen Specter, one of the most worthless Republicans in the history of the party, finally showed his true colors and jumped ranks to join his buddies in the Democratic party. For me to call him the most worthless Republican in Congress really does say a lot, considering how horrible some of the so-called "leaders" are in the Senate. Apparently, Specter wanted to enjoy the last several years of his life basking in the warm, affectionate embrace of the mainstream media.
Naturally, analysts are already gushing over the fact that this pushes the Democrat total in the Senate to 60, thereby eliminating the filibuster option for the Republicans. My response to this? Who cares. There are several Blue Dog and conservative Democrats who aren't going to go along with the radical agenda Obama and his two lapdogs (Reid and Pelosi, of course) have in mind. Just because you have 60 Democrats doesn't mean that all of them are going to want to be associated with the most radical, Marxist economic takeover in the history of the United States of America.
Regarding the 2010 U.S. Senate race, I think this helps Toomey immensely. I was pretty sure that Toomey could crush Specter in the primary, but I was afraid he would run into trouble in the general election when the same zombies that voted for Obama came out in force again. Specter has just solved that problem for us. If Toomey makes it out of the primary (and I believe he will), he WILL beat Arlen Specter in the general election and send him packing for the convalescent home. Mark it is written. For now, Pennsylvania has two Democratic U.S. senators. Just one more reason to hate Philadelphia.

Monday, April 27, 2009
Obama > Jesus Christ
I really don't know how much more of this I can take...I mean, really. Take a look at the new painting commemorating the worship of Our Chosen One, Barack Hussein Obama:

Friday, April 24, 2009
Rude awakening for Obama voters...
I am sure anyone who was actually paying attention during the 2008 election cycle (rather than watch the mainstream media suckle at Obama's teats) remembers this infamous quote from a full-fledged Obama supporter: "OBAMA IS GOING TO PAY FOR MY GAS AND MY MORTGAGE....WE WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ANYMORE!!!!!!" Now of course with this line, she demonstrated the average IQ of the typical Obamabot that walks around breathlessly chanting "hope" and "change" with a blank stare in their eye and drool hanging from their lip.
The story of Henrietta Hughes is sad; but not for the reasons you might think. What is sad is that for decades, countless numbers of black voters have been brainwashed by race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to believe that the Democrat party is their best friend and the Republicans are evil racists. Of course, never mind the fact that it was the REPUBLICANS that fought to get the Civil Rights Act passed, while Democrats stonewalled it as much as they could (didn't know that, did you?)
What has the Democratic Party done for black America? Just look at the current state of things...for years, liberals have done everything in their power to try and make the African-American population depend on them for EVERYTHING. It is so condescending, it's disgusting. "Don't vote Republican or they are going to take away your welfare/social services/healthcare/cable box etc etc." If somebody told me that, "offended" would not come close to being a strong enough term. The Dems take the black vote for question about it. The poverty level in the city of Philadelphia has risen to 25%...there are murders at least once a week, and there are literally dozens of neighborhoods that I would not walk in during the DAYTIME.
Keep in mind, this city has been run by a Democratic government for a matter of fact, the Top 10 most impoverished cities in the United States are all run by Democratic leaders...and it has been this way for years. Fact: It is not in a liberal politician's best interest for a African-American man to succeed ON HIS OWN, without the crutch of the government. Why? As soon as that man realizes that he doesn't need to depend on the likes of Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank to get by in life, he'll realize that he has been scammed.

There are thousands of black conservatives out there that see this, and they are constantly on the airwaves and on the web trying to alert the rest of the population what is going on. Unfortunately, the so-called black "leaders" like Sharkton and Jackson simply just label them as "Uncle Toms" and "house slaves", and their voices are quickly silenced. As long as anti-semitic racists like the two "leaders" of the African-American population in the U.S. are in power, this situation will never change.
Acme Salad Bar = Worst design ever
The problem is, they put the freaking salad dressing right next to the shredded cheese...RIGHT next to it. You are literally standing shoulder to shoulder. Now if I am getting cheese for my salad, I pick up the tongs, grab a handful, and toss them in. Easy, right? Apparently not for some of the denizens of City Line Avenue. I would like to know if there is some actual psychological disorder that turns people into spastic morons as soon as they visit a salad bar. Seriously...because I don't know about you, but I don't think it should take 8 freaking tries to actually get enough cheese for your salad!!!
And don't even get me started on the salad dressing...evidently the patrons of the Acme Salad Bar were never taught as children that you don't close the cap on a salad dressing container when THERE IS RANCH SPILLING ALL OVER THE OPENING. Everytime I go there, I need to use about a dozen napkins just to wipe off all of the dressing that ends up on my hands and inevitably my clothing.
Oh, and a note to the sandwich makers....MAKE MORE FREAKING WRAPS BEFORE THE LUNCH RUSH!! It never fails that I get there at 12 PM, and there are no wraps available. Yet there are 138 sandwiches in varying breads and flavors. Newsflash: Wraps are popular...make more of them!!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I am actually starting to feel sorry for this administration...

In yet another example of the bold and fearless leadership that we were promised, Obama has VOWED to cut $100 million from his budget to save some of our taxpayer dollars! I am impressed...what a noble and righteous move. Now of course, this is all keeping in mind that the total budget is 3.5 TRILLION DOLLARS. Yes, the Righteous One Barack Obama has offered to cut a whopping total of .0002% off of the budget. I tried to create a pie chart to illustrate the enormity of this effort, but no matter how big I made the chart the $100 million still only appeared as a single line.
I think what makes this so hilarious is that senior White House officials are releasing this like it is a gigantic newsbreaking story. To put in simpler terms, this would be the equivalent of taking a pay cut...from $100,000/year to $99,980/year. That breaks down to less than 50 cents a week. Obama, if you are going to make a serious effort to cut your ridiculously pork-filled and bloated budget, don't patronize the American people with a BS effort like this.

Appeasing Chavez....
I have had several liberal friends who have praised Obama's efforts to cure the image of the United States abroad...I mean let's not forget, this is the same man that blasted the very citizens of the United States that elected him president by telling his European elitist pals that we were an arrogant country. I have also heard the wonderful phrase "Keep your friends close and enemies closer" bandied about quite a bit. Here's the problem: Obama doesn't view Chavez as an enemy.

There is a difference between "repairing our image in the world" and making yourself look like a complete pushover that will befriend anyone that is willing to talk. Fidel Castro said that he would do anything to help out the Obama administration after they reached out a couple weeks back. Now, while liberals would like you to believe that Fidel is a kindly old grandpa who is enjoying his retirement, let's not forget the thousands of political prisoners he has executed over the last 50 years. In three months, this president has managed to tear down almost every single value the United States has represented for decades.
Lest we forget the secondary effects of his frat-like meeting with Chavez. Hugo's virulently anti-American book has skyrocketed towards the top of the NYT Bestsellers portraying Chavez as a "cool" guy, he encouraged thousands of Americans to go out and buy anti-American hate speech. Our president needs to realize that he was not elected to become a celebrity. He was elected to be a leader...and sometimes that means you CAN'T be friends with everyone.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
24 Review (SPOILER WARNING!!!!!)
Gov. Perry to Obama: KEEP OUT!
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state...”
I really could not have said it any better myself. Bravo to the state of Texas for standing up for the rights of individual states. We know King O will not approve of such an open questioning of his power, but it should make for some entertaining news in the days to come. Full story below:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Nice to see the severe recession we are currently in is not hitting the White House. I know most people don't really think twice about this story...and it's hard for me to even get uptight about it. I will say, however, that it shows a bit of the political/celebrity hubris that surrounds this family. When you are treated like a god by the media long enough, you eventually start to believe that you are. One thing is for makeup artist in the world could make Obama's disastrous economic policies look pretty!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Snob pedestrians...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Is it Neville Obama? Or Barack Chamberlain?
When the uninformed citizens of America righteously cast their votes for CHANGE! and HOPE! last November, do you think they were considering if Obama had the experience and ability to effectively handle the significant foreign policy issues of our time? Doubtful...the ones that I saw were too busy putting meaningless bumper stickers on the backs of their Toyota Priuses and extolling the "wisdom" and "enthusiasm" of their Messiah.
Fast forward five months...President Obama's trip to Europe has been an absolute DISASTER in terms of the interests of the United States in foreign policy. First, the Great Orator tells the Turks that we support their inclusion into the European Union (despite the fact that they are one coup from becoming an Islamic state like their neighbors to the East). Almost every single country that is currently in the European Union is vehemently opposed to the addition of Turkey; so Obama, in his constant and nauseating need to be adored by everyone he speaks to, proceeds to give the middle finger to every one of our "allies" in Europe. Smart.
I have already documented Obama's embarrassing and unbecoming bow of subservience to a man that funds groups that want to kill Americans, so I won't bother visiting that again (see below).
Next, he told a friendly group in Prague that we should proceed with nuclear disarmament now. Not to beat a dead horse, but how naive is this guy? Cue the liberal rebuttal: "But Matt you are being completely cynical. He is the first president that can dream big and look to make the world a better place." Yeah, that's wonderful...if it was even a remote possibility. With psychotic leaders in Iran and North Korea taking serious steps in their nuclear program, now is not the time to make an asinine statement about handing over our defenses.
Which brings us to today. Obama's handlers announced that the United States would be entering group talks with the Nazis of the modern world, Iran. Can this get any better? We are going to sit down and talk with Mahmoud Ahmadinajad, a man who has called for the extermination of Jews, denied the Holocaust, and laughedly dismissed Obama's lame attempt to send a "letter" to the Iranian government. Oh, and let's not forget the Islamofascist mullahs that order 15 year old girls to be stoned to death because they have the audacity to get gang raped by a bunch of primitive thugs. What a wonderful's a typical Tuesday in Tehran (note what the guy on the right is carrying...recognize the face?)

The fact is, you cannot debate, argue, or negotiate with extremists. The Iranians are vehemently anti-Semitic, and wish nothing else than to see the murder of every Jewish man, woman, and child in the entire world. Sorry Barack, even your teleprompter will not be enough to pursue this dangerous and foolish goal. That being said, I feel that I am being unfair to Neville Chamberlain; it's not like Hitler was openly telling the world that his ultimate goal was to exterminate the Jewish race. No, not even Mr. Chamberlain himself would be foolish enough to even CONSIDER engaging Iran in talks.
Inexperience kills...
Obama bows down before Saudi king?!
Wow..........just wow. At this point, I don't even know what it is anymore. Incompetence? It is a major breach of protocol for a President of the United States to bow down in subservience to any foreign monarch...even the Queen herself. But to prostrate himself in front of a man that violently oppresses the rights of his "subjects" and funds terrorist operations is beyond sickening. Naturally, the media decided to completely ignore this story; probably because they know how pissed off the American public would be if they caught wind of this. Here's the picture....pathetic:

UPDATE!!! The White House is denying that the above picture was a bow. They say it was actually a be the judge. Obama might want to do himself a favor and fire his entire traveling staff (yes, all 500+ of them), and start anew. The gaffes and blunders he's committed (ALL of which have been suppressed by the media) since he has taken office has made President Bush look like the Great Orator. Don't know about them? Don't be surprised...unless you check conservative blogs or FOX News the typical coverage would suggest that Obama is the black Jesus Christ who has come to save us from ourselves. Amateur Hour is LIVE at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Arguing for bosses' rights...
I wish I could say this was surprising....but, well, it's not. It's hard to believe that half of a modern, civilized country could agree that imprisoning your boss in the face of a layoff is morally acceptable. Where I'm from, that's called kidnapping, and it's a felony. Bosses don't lay off personnel because they enjoy it, they lay off people to keep the company running profitably...and we are going to blame them for that? Over in the socialist utopia of France, however, every worker feels they are entitled to a 35 hour work week, two months of vacation, and benefits befitting a prince. If Obama continues his wonderful policy of inciting class and racial warfare, we'll be on board that train soon enough.
Tragedy in Altoona
This story is still less than 24 hours old, but what an unnecessary and abominable tragedy. How this sick bastard could bring himself to shoot a high school working an after-school job is beyond me. Then, he randomly shoots another man who was just out checking his mail....and steals his mail. I hope they have no mercy on this SOB...again I know it's early but with the way Altoona is moving I wouldn't be surprised if he was high on something. Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
And they said Bush abused his power...
Obama Wants to Control the Banks
There's a reason he refuses to accept repayment of TARP money.
So let me get this straight...the CEOs of numerous banks are sitting there with checks made out to the U.S. Government, ready to repay (with interest) the TARP money from the first stimulus bill. And Obama is refusing payment so he can maintain his unconstitutional strangehold over them? This is an absolutely chilling abuse of power; of course a good liberal would tell us that those CEOs are getting what's coming to them...not surprising. And controlling the salaries of every single employee of that company? That is Stalinism in 2009.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Stop the insanity!!!
I wasn’t going to write this…no really, I wasn’t. As I sat completely stopped in traffic on the Schuylkill this morning listening to the news, I kept repeating the same phrase: “It’s too pathetic to even get worked up about…surely even YOU can’t take them seriously?!” However, by the time I arrived at work, it had completely boiled over.
Quick question…let’s make it multiple choice to give everyone a fair chance, shall we?
In light of the current economic crisis, as well as Team Obama’s trip to the G20, what crucial topic do you think the mainstream media will focus on the most?
A: The raging debate in the Senate over Obama’s bloated budget, and the defection of several prominent Democrats.
B: Analysis of some of the important world topics being discussed between the leaders of the world.
C: “O M G!!! First Lady Michelle Obama looks positively fabulous in a black and white J. Crew top…and of course her most FAVORITE pair of shoes are her Jimmy Choos! Notice how she wears those short sleeves to accent those fine, toned arms…my God, she is giving off an air of royalty, wouldn’t you say? Hey Jim, let’s interview Richard Simmons to find out how we can all look like our first lady!!”
I won’t insult anyone by pointing out the obvious answer. Here is the truest statement I have heard in the last six months. JOURNALISM IS DEAD. Buried. History. The rise to prominence for now-President Barack Obama heralded the end of even the appearance of impartiality on the part of the mainstream media. The number of fluff stories that have been written about Obama and company since the 2008 campaign story is enough to indulge nausea in the toughest of characters. “What kind of dog are they going to get, and what will they name him?!”
For the first time, prominent “journalists” came right out and admitted they were in the tank for a presidential candidate! How can we forget MSNBC (does anyone still watch that network?) anchor Chris Matthews describing the “chills” that ran down his leg when he heard the Chosen One speak to the masses. Even Brian Williams of NBC joined right along and said “it’s impossible not to root for the guy.”
Oh, and don’t even get me started on the constant media stories comparing Michelle Obama to Jackie Kennedy. All I can say in response to that is: Are you kidding me?! She hasn’t done ANYTHING yet!” Well, that and Jackie O definitely would have had the foresight to know that you don’t put your arm around the Queen like an awkward teenager trying to get to first base…
Liberals and other Obama-supporters….PLEASE do not throw me the seriously flawed argument that “Now is the time to be supportive of the presidency! We need to come together now…this wave of optimism is a good thing. Now is not the time to question our well-spoken and polished president!” Really? I am getting sick and tired of hearing that self-righteous argument from liberals.
Where was the support (hell, forget the support)…where was the RESPECT for the office of the presidency for the last eight years? You didn’t have to look far to hear some of the most hateful vitriol in the history of this nation being sprayed like machine gun fire from the Left. Prominent liberal bloggers called for an assassination attempt on Cheney….we saw jokes about Cheney’s serious heart condition, a neverending stream of cartoons and stories describing Bush’s stupidity and essentially convicting him of the murder of our U.S. soldiers. Oh, and let’s not forget the merciless savaging of Governor Palin in the run up to last fall’s election.
Say what you want about the “bigoted, hateful, evil right wing.” You would have to look at some of the most extreme white supremacist neo-Nazi websites to find ANYTHING that is seriously hate-filled and violent directed towards President Obama. On the Left, simply just go to any of their more prominent blogs (i.e. The Huffington Post) to find some of the most extreme examples of hatred you will ever see. Again to liberals, please do not confuse “disagreeing with the reckless spending policies of the president” with “being a bigoted racist that refuses to acknowledge the wonderful progress our country has made.” Seriously, don’t. We’re sick and tired of the cult mentality already, ok?
With that being said, the reason why FOXNews and other alternative media sources have been so successful is not because brainless Republicans and conservatives don’t want to hear opposing views. It’s because we are tired of the constant, neverending wave of affection, admiration, and idol worship of a man that has done the following in his first three months:
1) Attempted to jack up taxes in the middle of a severe recession, a move any economist could tell you will only take us deeper.
2) PROMISED that “no lobbyist would find any work in his administration”, then proceeded to make half a dozen exceptions.
3) Appointed an admitted tax cheat to the Secretary of the Treasury, and gave him the power to hire and fire CEOs of publicly traded companies at will.
If the NY Times goes under next week and the last issue comes rolling off the press, don’t expect me to shed a tear. True journalism is out there, but it’s getting harder and harder to find. On the national level; the art of journalism threw itself on its sword in order to protect the rise of their Chosen One. Got to give it to them…the public went hook, line, and sinker. Although I will admit...those are some serious pythons.
The Oozinator...a very questionable product by Super Soaker