Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu -- Big $#%#!$# Deal!

You would think that the latest media frenzy over the "swine flu" would make me tremble with fear as I proceeded to put duct tape around all of my windows and doors while stocking up on Purell. I have never seen such a big deal made out of something so minor. And yes, the swine flu, or H1N1, or whatever the hell they want to call it, IS minor.

35,000 people in the United States die of influenza every year. The so-called "experts" have even said that this strain of influenza is a relatively minor strain that is less virulent than our garden variety flu. Today, Mexico is returning to life as normal as the outbreak down there seems to have eased. Yet if you turn on the news, you are almost waiting for Dustin Hoffman to show up on screen with the dead carrier monkey from Outbreak.

Coming to a town near you.............

If you are panicking about Swine Flu, for the love of God, get a hold of yourself. Since the mainstream media's ratings are going down the toilet faster than yesterday's lunch, they will do anything they can to foster a panic that will lead to more scared viewers. If you wake up tomorrow with a stuffy nose, don't run to the ER like a tool. Take some Vitamin C and toughen the f**k up.

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