Today, an event occurred that I had eagerly been anticipating for quite some time now....Arlen Specter, one of the most worthless Republicans in the history of the party, finally showed his true colors and jumped ranks to join his buddies in the Democratic party. For me to call him the most worthless Republican in Congress really does say a lot, considering how horrible some of the so-called "leaders" are in the Senate. Apparently, Specter wanted to enjoy the last several years of his life basking in the warm, affectionate embrace of the mainstream media.
Naturally, analysts are already gushing over the fact that this pushes the Democrat total in the Senate to 60, thereby eliminating the filibuster option for the Republicans. My response to this? Who cares. There are several Blue Dog and conservative Democrats who aren't going to go along with the radical agenda Obama and his two lapdogs (Reid and Pelosi, of course) have in mind. Just because you have 60 Democrats doesn't mean that all of them are going to want to be associated with the most radical, Marxist economic takeover in the history of the United States of America.
Regarding the 2010 U.S. Senate race, I think this helps Toomey immensely. I was pretty sure that Toomey could crush Specter in the primary, but I was afraid he would run into trouble in the general election when the same zombies that voted for Obama came out in force again. Specter has just solved that problem for us. If Toomey makes it out of the primary (and I believe he will), he WILL beat Arlen Specter in the general election and send him packing for the convalescent home. Mark it down...it is written. For now, Pennsylvania has two Democratic U.S. senators. Just one more reason to hate Philadelphia.

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