I am sure anyone who was actually paying attention during the 2008 election cycle (rather than watch the mainstream media suckle at Obama's teats) remembers this infamous quote from a full-fledged Obama supporter: "OBAMA IS GOING TO PAY FOR MY GAS AND MY MORTGAGE....WE WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ANYMORE!!!!!!" Now of course with this line, she demonstrated the average IQ of the typical Obamabot that walks around breathlessly chanting "hope" and "change" with a blank stare in their eye and drool hanging from their lip.
The story of Henrietta Hughes is sad; but not for the reasons you might think. What is sad is that for decades, countless numbers of black voters have been brainwashed by race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to believe that the Democrat party is their best friend and the Republicans are evil racists. Of course, never mind the fact that it was the REPUBLICANS that fought to get the Civil Rights Act passed, while Democrats stonewalled it as much as they could (didn't know that, did you?)
What has the Democratic Party done for black America? Just look at the current state of things...for years, liberals have done everything in their power to try and make the African-American population depend on them for EVERYTHING. It is so condescending, it's disgusting. "Don't vote Republican or they are going to take away your welfare/social services/healthcare/cable box etc etc." If somebody told me that, "offended" would not come close to being a strong enough term. The Dems take the black vote for granted...no question about it. The poverty level in the city of Philadelphia has risen to 25%...there are murders at least once a week, and there are literally dozens of neighborhoods that I would not walk in during the DAYTIME.
Keep in mind, this city has been run by a Democratic government for decades...as a matter of fact, the Top 10 most impoverished cities in the United States are all run by Democratic leaders...and it has been this way for years. Fact: It is not in a liberal politician's best interest for a African-American man to succeed ON HIS OWN, without the crutch of the government. Why? As soon as that man realizes that he doesn't need to depend on the likes of Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank to get by in life, he'll realize that he has been scammed.

There are thousands of black conservatives out there that see this, and they are constantly on the airwaves and on the web trying to alert the rest of the population what is going on. Unfortunately, the so-called black "leaders" like Sharkton and Jackson simply just label them as "Uncle Toms" and "house slaves", and their voices are quickly silenced. As long as anti-semitic racists like the two "leaders" of the African-American population in the U.S. are in power, this situation will never change.
I could not agree more...although I am sure a dishonest liberal will find a way to label you a racist for daring to question their stranglehold on the African-American population.