I really don't know how much more of this I can take...I mean, really. Take a look at the new painting commemorating the worship of Our Chosen One, Barack Hussein Obama:

It is a wonder that I haven't gone absolutely insane at this point. Let's get past the fact that this is grossly insulting to Christians. The left-wing ignoramus that painted this nauseating portrait of The Kenyan Wonder is a perfect example of the brainless, emotional zombies that voted for Obama. Just what in the hell has he done in his first 3 months? Let's see....he raised taxes just as we are trying to recover from a recession...oh, and he also has already accumulated MORE DEBT THAN ANY OTHER PRESIDENT IN HISTORY COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But that doesn't matter to an Obama voter. As far as they are concerned, he could go on national television and piss on the American flag and they would applaud and talk about his leadership. For those of you trying to rationalize with an Obamabot; please, for your own mental sake, don't try it. They have to cling to "hope", "change", and the lack of emotional control they showed when they voted for this empty suit.
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