When the uninformed citizens of America righteously cast their votes for CHANGE! and HOPE! last November, do you think they were considering if Obama had the experience and ability to effectively handle the significant foreign policy issues of our time? Doubtful...the ones that I saw were too busy putting meaningless bumper stickers on the backs of their Toyota Priuses and extolling the "wisdom" and "enthusiasm" of their Messiah.
Fast forward five months...President Obama's trip to Europe has been an absolute DISASTER in terms of the interests of the United States in foreign policy. First, the Great Orator tells the Turks that we support their inclusion into the European Union (despite the fact that they are one coup from becoming an Islamic state like their neighbors to the East). Almost every single country that is currently in the European Union is vehemently opposed to the addition of Turkey; so Obama, in his constant and nauseating need to be adored by everyone he speaks to, proceeds to give the middle finger to every one of our "allies" in Europe. Smart.
I have already documented Obama's embarrassing and unbecoming bow of subservience to a man that funds groups that want to kill Americans, so I won't bother visiting that again (see below).
Next, he told a friendly group in Prague that we should proceed with nuclear disarmament now. Not to beat a dead horse, but how naive is this guy? Cue the liberal rebuttal: "But Matt you are being completely cynical. He is the first president that can dream big and look to make the world a better place." Yeah, that's wonderful...if it was even a remote possibility. With psychotic leaders in Iran and North Korea taking serious steps in their nuclear program, now is not the time to make an asinine statement about handing over our defenses.
Which brings us to today. Obama's handlers announced that the United States would be entering group talks with the Nazis of the modern world, Iran. Can this get any better? We are going to sit down and talk with Mahmoud Ahmadinajad, a man who has called for the extermination of Jews, denied the Holocaust, and laughedly dismissed Obama's lame attempt to send a "letter" to the Iranian government. Oh, and let's not forget the Islamofascist mullahs that order 15 year old girls to be stoned to death because they have the audacity to get gang raped by a bunch of primitive thugs. What a wonderful country...here's a typical Tuesday in Tehran (note what the guy on the right is carrying...recognize the face?)

The fact is, you cannot debate, argue, or negotiate with extremists. The Iranians are vehemently anti-Semitic, and wish nothing else than to see the murder of every Jewish man, woman, and child in the entire world. Sorry Barack, even your teleprompter will not be enough to pursue this dangerous and foolish goal. That being said, I feel that I am being unfair to Neville Chamberlain; it's not like Hitler was openly telling the world that his ultimate goal was to exterminate the Jewish race. No, not even Mr. Chamberlain himself would be foolish enough to even CONSIDER engaging Iran in talks.
Inexperience kills...
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