Wow..........just wow. At this point, I don't even know what it is anymore. Incompetence? It is a major breach of protocol for a President of the United States to bow down in subservience to any foreign monarch...even the Queen herself. But to prostrate himself in front of a man that violently oppresses the rights of his "subjects" and funds terrorist operations is beyond sickening. Naturally, the media decided to completely ignore this story; probably because they know how pissed off the American public would be if they caught wind of this. Here's the picture....pathetic:

UPDATE!!! The White House is denying that the above picture was a bow. They say it was actually a be the judge. Obama might want to do himself a favor and fire his entire traveling staff (yes, all 500+ of them), and start anew. The gaffes and blunders he's committed (ALL of which have been suppressed by the media) since he has taken office has made President Bush look like the Great Orator. Don't know about them? Don't be surprised...unless you check conservative blogs or FOX News the typical coverage would suggest that Obama is the black Jesus Christ who has come to save us from ourselves. Amateur Hour is LIVE at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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