I wasn’t going to write this…no really, I wasn’t. As I sat completely stopped in traffic on the Schuylkill this morning listening to the news, I kept repeating the same phrase: “It’s too pathetic to even get worked up about…surely even YOU can’t take them seriously?!” However, by the time I arrived at work, it had completely boiled over.
Quick question…let’s make it multiple choice to give everyone a fair chance, shall we?
In light of the current economic crisis, as well as Team Obama’s trip to the G20, what crucial topic do you think the mainstream media will focus on the most?
A: The raging debate in the Senate over Obama’s bloated budget, and the defection of several prominent Democrats.
B: Analysis of some of the important world topics being discussed between the leaders of the world.
C: “O M G!!! First Lady Michelle Obama looks positively fabulous in a black and white J. Crew top…and of course her most FAVORITE pair of shoes are her Jimmy Choos! Notice how she wears those short sleeves to accent those fine, toned arms…my God, she is giving off an air of royalty, wouldn’t you say? Hey Jim, let’s interview Richard Simmons to find out how we can all look like our first lady!!”
I won’t insult anyone by pointing out the obvious answer. Here is the truest statement I have heard in the last six months. JOURNALISM IS DEAD. Buried. History. The rise to prominence for now-President Barack Obama heralded the end of even the appearance of impartiality on the part of the mainstream media. The number of fluff stories that have been written about Obama and company since the 2008 campaign story is enough to indulge nausea in the toughest of characters. “What kind of dog are they going to get, and what will they name him?!”
For the first time, prominent “journalists” came right out and admitted they were in the tank for a presidential candidate! How can we forget MSNBC (does anyone still watch that network?) anchor Chris Matthews describing the “chills” that ran down his leg when he heard the Chosen One speak to the masses. Even Brian Williams of NBC joined right along and said “it’s impossible not to root for the guy.”
Oh, and don’t even get me started on the constant media stories comparing Michelle Obama to Jackie Kennedy. All I can say in response to that is: Are you kidding me?! She hasn’t done ANYTHING yet!” Well, that and Jackie O definitely would have had the foresight to know that you don’t put your arm around the Queen like an awkward teenager trying to get to first base…
Liberals and other Obama-supporters….PLEASE do not throw me the seriously flawed argument that “Now is the time to be supportive of the presidency! We need to come together now…this wave of optimism is a good thing. Now is not the time to question our well-spoken and polished president!” Really? I am getting sick and tired of hearing that self-righteous argument from liberals.
Where was the support (hell, forget the support)…where was the RESPECT for the office of the presidency for the last eight years? You didn’t have to look far to hear some of the most hateful vitriol in the history of this nation being sprayed like machine gun fire from the Left. Prominent liberal bloggers called for an assassination attempt on Cheney….we saw jokes about Cheney’s serious heart condition, a neverending stream of cartoons and stories describing Bush’s stupidity and essentially convicting him of the murder of our U.S. soldiers. Oh, and let’s not forget the merciless savaging of Governor Palin in the run up to last fall’s election.
Say what you want about the “bigoted, hateful, evil right wing.” You would have to look at some of the most extreme white supremacist neo-Nazi websites to find ANYTHING that is seriously hate-filled and violent directed towards President Obama. On the Left, simply just go to any of their more prominent blogs (i.e. The Huffington Post) to find some of the most extreme examples of hatred you will ever see. Again to liberals, please do not confuse “disagreeing with the reckless spending policies of the president” with “being a bigoted racist that refuses to acknowledge the wonderful progress our country has made.” Seriously, don’t. We’re sick and tired of the cult mentality already, ok?
With that being said, the reason why FOXNews and other alternative media sources have been so successful is not because brainless Republicans and conservatives don’t want to hear opposing views. It’s because we are tired of the constant, neverending wave of affection, admiration, and idol worship of a man that has done the following in his first three months:
1) Attempted to jack up taxes in the middle of a severe recession, a move any economist could tell you will only take us deeper.
2) PROMISED that “no lobbyist would find any work in his administration”, then proceeded to make half a dozen exceptions.
3) Appointed an admitted tax cheat to the Secretary of the Treasury, and gave him the power to hire and fire CEOs of publicly traded companies at will.
If the NY Times goes under next week and the last issue comes rolling off the press, don’t expect me to shed a tear. True journalism is out there, but it’s getting harder and harder to find. On the national level; the art of journalism threw itself on its sword in order to protect the rise of their Chosen One. Got to give it to them…the public went hook, line, and sinker. Although I will admit...those are some serious pythons.