Tuesday, August 10, 2010

UPDATE: It's still Bush's fault

Obama Attacks Bush................Again

At a fund-raising event for Democrats in Dallas, where Bush now lives, Obama said the former president's "disastrous" policies had driven the U.S. economy into the ground and turned budget surpluses into deficits.

Obama defended his repeated references to Bush's policies, saying they were necessary to remind Americans of the weak economy he inherited from Bush in January 2009.

"The policies that crashed the economy, that undercut the middle class, that mortgaged our future, do we really want to go back to that, or do we keep moving our country forward?" Obama said at another fund-raising event in Austin, referring to Bush's eight years as president.

This guy is the saddest excuse for a "leader" this nation has ever seen....and I say that recognizing some of the colossal failures of the past 225 years. We are almost halfway through the four-year term of this jackass, and this is all he has to offer us? "At least I'm not Bush"? Give me a break. Obama enjoyed a luxury that is almost unheard of; not only controlling the White House, but holding a SUPERMAJORITY IN CONGRESS.

He has had free rein to shove through all the legislation he wants. Over a trillion dollars in wasted stimulus money? Check. A bloated and horrifyingly bureaucratic healthcare bill that the majority of the country wants repealed? Check. A financial reform bill that serves as nothing more than a handout to the powerful labor unions that got him elected? Check. Thank God "comprehensive immigration reform", or amnesty, hasn't been rammed through yet.

And what are we hearing now? Apparently, the White House is starting to think about pushing legislation that will simply forgive the mortgages of thousands of Americans, with no strings attached. What a fantastic idea! Not only add a couple hundred billion more dollars to the national debt, but punish those of us who are patiently saving until we are READY to buy a house. OWNING A HOUSE IS NOT A RIGHT, ITS A PRIVILEGE.

At any rate, it still scares me that 40% of the country still somehow "approves" of Obama's job performance. What the hell has he done? Even supporters of universal healthcare recognize the bill for what it is...a bureaucratic nightmare of epic proportions. His economic policy has FAILED. And you think it's bad right now? Just wait until Congress refuses to extend the Bush tax cuts. I am pretty confident unemployment will be at 10% or higher soon enough. And of course, real unemployment is hovering around 16%.

But hey! It's not Obama's fault! His policies ARE helping! It's just that the evil emperor George W Bush wrecked this country so much that a stack of legislation and the other party having ultimate power isn't even enough to fix it in two years. Oh, you pathetic, miserable excuse for a president. America may have been dumb and naive enough to vote for you in 2008, but people see right through your empty suit now.

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