Friday, February 22, 2013
I work in a tenement...
Now, I like to think that I work in a professional office building...reasonable, no? So I was headed downstairs to do my business, and as I turn the corner in the broom closet-sized bathroom, I come face to face with some random dude off the streets in his underwear. Keep in mind, HE IS BLOCKING ALL ACCESS TO THE URINALS AND TOILETS. I look at him face-to-face...mano a mano. He lets out an inconsequential grunt and continues what he is doing. Afraid to accidentally send him into a PCP-induced frenzy of violence, I quietly back away without showing fear and exit the bathroom.
What is wrong with this picture? Is the security office downstairs really using the bathroom as a personal locker room for their ragtag army of Paul Blarts? Why doesn't it occur to people that jeopardizing an entire bathroom in an office building isn't socially acceptable?
Since working here, I can point to a long list of occurrences where I have been working at my desk, and suddenly been disturbed by the sweet sounds of "U SAID U WAS PICKING UP DAT MONEY N***A! WHAT THE HELL'M I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW, MM? GET YOUR FUCKIN ASS OVER THERE RIGHT NOW MAFUCKA!" All of this in front of at least one elementary-aged child, perhaps two. Seriously, there is no hope for these children.
I also enjoy coming back from lunch and hearing the absolute worst of today's rap music being blasted through shitty car speakers, by people parked in the 15 minute parking spots so everyone that enters the building has to hear their shit and notice their SICK TINTS BRUH. Seriously, this is a commercial district, not the fucking slums. Take your beat ride somewhere else.
Occasionally I hear a bird, but that might be the related brain impairment from the chemical fumes coming from my vent, which brings me to my last point...
They are renovating the suite downstairs. No big deal, right? Unfortunately, the building manager has given the contractors carte blanche to be as absolutely loud and obnoxious as they want to be. Imagine 120 decibel drills and hammers going off all day long. But not consistently. No, they stop long enough to lull you into a relaxed state before going buckwild again, jolting you from your reverie.
I've also noticed the aforementioned fumes (and even fine particulate matter) coming out of my vent after said construction. Asbestos, perhaps? Could I possibly have mesothelioma? If so, can I get in on some of that sweet class action swag?
I could go on about the random/mentally disabled people that physically walk into my office and stare at me or confront me, but that would be dragging on. As a disclaimer, I can work from home three days a week, so my brave colleagues have it far worse than I.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
After a brief hiatus...some thoughts
The fact is, Goodell has created this monster. During Week 12, there is a camera angle of the James Harrison hit on Ryan Fitzpatrick that shows the referee was pulling the flag out of his pants BEFORE HARRISON EVEN GOT THERE. The targeting of specific teams and individuals taints the entire NFL, and makes Goodell look like a teenage girl with a vendetta.
No one is arguing that defenseless receivers/QBs shouldn't be protected from egregious, unnecessary hits. But if you are going to push this policy, it's kind of important to have officials that are competent enough to call it down the middle. The idea that there was a referee specifically assigned to watch Heath Miller on that play blows my mind.
2) Obama: Told ya so.
As we approach the halfway point of President Obama's first term in office, I have to ask the your hope and change paying dividends yet? This is one of those times where I honestly hate the fact I was right. All through the election, I kept the following mantra: Barack Obama is a completely inexperienced, two-year senator who has never had any executive experience other than "community organizing" (what the hell does that entail, anyway?). And sure enough, his Administration (as even his political allies admit) has been a constant comedy of errors since they took over the WH.
The only real "change" he has delivered, other than passing a shitty, watered-down healthcare bill and making teleprompters cool, is somehow taking Bush's questionable record on civil liberties/rights and MAKING IT WORSE. And for the love of God...can we stop talking about Michelle Obama like she is some kind of fashion diva/glamorous type? At least the comparisons to Jackie O have stopped...
3) Facebook does a wonderful job of exposing the idiots in your life.
Over the last month or so, there have been some wonderful new trends on Facebook that have amused me to no end. For starters, the idea that changing your profile picture to a cartoon character can somehow help fight child abuse. This is the classic example of "slacktivism". Engaging in meaningless activities that have no real effect on any kind of problem other than making the person feel good about themselves. Hey jerkoff....if you REALLY are serious about fighting child abuse (or any other cause), give money or offer your time.
Of course, what is so funny about this (and I don't care if it's true or not) is that people are saying it's some kind of scam by pedophiles. No idea if this is true, but if it is, I have to give kudos to pedophiles everywhere for making so many people look like idiots.
The same goes for the stupid shit that was going on during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (by the way ladies, when are men going to get Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a disease that kills almost as many men as breast cancer does women?). But I digress...during that month, you saw thousands of brainless women posting statuses like: "on the couch....LOL", "in the backseat of my car....OMG LOL THIS IS SO FUNNY :)". Again...what does this have to do with breast cancer? DONATE TIME OR MONEY YOU SELF-INDULGENT TURDS.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
UPDATE: It's still Bush's fault
Obama Attacks Bush................Again
At a fund-raising event for Democrats in Dallas, where Bush now lives, Obama said the former president's "disastrous" policies had driven the U.S. economy into the ground and turned budget surpluses into deficits.
Obama defended his repeated references to Bush's policies, saying they were necessary to remind Americans of the weak economy he inherited from Bush in January 2009.
"The policies that crashed the economy, that undercut the middle class, that mortgaged our future, do we really want to go back to that, or do we keep moving our country forward?" Obama said at another fund-raising event in Austin, referring to Bush's eight years as president.
This guy is the saddest excuse for a "leader" this nation has ever seen....and I say that recognizing some of the colossal failures of the past 225 years. We are almost halfway through the four-year term of this jackass, and this is all he has to offer us? "At least I'm not Bush"? Give me a break. Obama enjoyed a luxury that is almost unheard of; not only controlling the White House, but holding a SUPERMAJORITY IN CONGRESS.
He has had free rein to shove through all the legislation he wants. Over a trillion dollars in wasted stimulus money? Check. A bloated and horrifyingly bureaucratic healthcare bill that the majority of the country wants repealed? Check. A financial reform bill that serves as nothing more than a handout to the powerful labor unions that got him elected? Check. Thank God "comprehensive immigration reform", or amnesty, hasn't been rammed through yet.
And what are we hearing now? Apparently, the White House is starting to think about pushing legislation that will simply forgive the mortgages of thousands of Americans, with no strings attached. What a fantastic idea! Not only add a couple hundred billion more dollars to the national debt, but punish those of us who are patiently saving until we are READY to buy a house. OWNING A HOUSE IS NOT A RIGHT, ITS A PRIVILEGE.
At any rate, it still scares me that 40% of the country still somehow "approves" of Obama's job performance. What the hell has he done? Even supporters of universal healthcare recognize the bill for what it is...a bureaucratic nightmare of epic proportions. His economic policy has FAILED. And you think it's bad right now? Just wait until Congress refuses to extend the Bush tax cuts. I am pretty confident unemployment will be at 10% or higher soon enough. And of course, real unemployment is hovering around 16%.
But hey! It's not Obama's fault! His policies ARE helping! It's just that the evil emperor George W Bush wrecked this country so much that a stack of legislation and the other party having ultimate power isn't even enough to fix it in two years. Oh, you pathetic, miserable excuse for a president. America may have been dumb and naive enough to vote for you in 2008, but people see right through your empty suit now.
Back in action
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pennsylvania Turnpike = Biggest ripoff ever
For starters, the greedy bastards (I'm looking at you, slick Eddie Rendell) in Harrisburg decided that it was fair to make a one way trip from Philly to Pittsburgh cost TWENTY F*CKING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I worked it out...that is almost 8 cents/mile. By comparison, the NJ Turnpike charges just under 5 cents a mile. Oh yeah, and they actually have made great improvements on that road, in contrast to the PA Turnpike that hasn't been repaved since 1923.
And the work zones..........good god almighty the work zones. I drove through approximately 27 work zones between here and Pittsburgh. For about 24 of them, the only "work" i saw being done was men in orange coats putting down more cones. You want to solve the national deficit in one fell swoop? Ban the manufacturing of orange cones, and cease and desist all road work projects that primarily involve setting down and picking up orange cones on a seemingly random basis. There is a mountain on the eastbound Turnpike just past Breezewood that is three lanes to accomodate large trucks. So naturally, the jerks decide to squeeze it to one lane so we all get to follow some truck for five miles up a hill going about 15 mph. Then when I get to the top, here is what I see: THREE MEN IN A TRUCK PICKING UP ORANGE CONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get with the 21st century Pennsylvania....please